Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hot Hot Hot

Ahhhh, August has arrived with all of the heat and humidity that usually accompanies such a distinguished month. Let's see, August is first day of school, hot days and nights, Laura & John's anniversary (Aug. 14 - #14), Laura's birthday (Aug. 27). It was also Pa-Pa Moss' birthday (Aug. 25) and Dad's birthday (Aug. 31). This time 14 years ago, we were hot on the trail of the perfect wedding (would we have gladiolis? would it be extremely hot (yes!)?). I can still remember how incredibly handsome Dad looked in his tux. I had never seen him in a tux before and thought he looked pretty distinguished.

I turned on the radio and heard Roxette's "Joy Ride." Anyone remember that one? It was the single cassette that I played in my blue '90 Ford Escort as I cruised around the big city of Ashdown when I started driving.

And for this week's medical update, no bladder infection!!!!!!!!! YEAH. The bad news? I have another kind of infection. But I think the antibiotics are really working this time and I'll be infection-free soon! I sure hope so anyway. I'm already feeling better and perkier.

Ellen Daniel and I decided that we needed to help people feel more welcome at church, so we committed to inviting new people over for lunch. Tomorrow is our first "welcome lunch" and we're excited! We got together today and got some things ready. I made a blackberry cobbler tonight - I think I had too many blackberries or too much liquid. The pan is really full (and I made the mistake of using a disposable pan!) and some of the liquid spilled out into my oven. Oh well. I'm sure it will still TASTE good.

The AWH Retreat at Eden Isle was great and I learned a lot. I got some good fundraising ideas, not only for AWH but also for Extension Homemakers. And, I got to know some people better and meet other neat people. It's really interesting to hear some of the more "mature" ladies talk about their lives. The restaurant at the Red Apple Inn was very good too - the food and the view!

I really need to clean house since Supper Club is here Thursday night, but I have not gotten motivated very much today. I did hang a new wall hanging up (got it last week-end at B. Jaxx). But now, I need to straighten, dust, clean my room & bathroom. I have one more decorating project to do also - clean up a dirty shelf and paint it! Elissa will be so proud when I post pictures of the projects she suggested. So, how do you get motivated - to clean, to exercise, to plan menus?

So instead of cleaning, I've read some this week-end. I checked out a few books from the library yesterday. I had read "White Chocolate Moments" by Lori Wick before, but wanted to read it again. The title caught my eye first, but the book was a good read. I finally got to read the sequel to Karen Kingsbury's "Even Now." The sequel is "Ever After." It was really good - but a real tearjerker. I have a hard time understanding when people cry all the time at meetings or church or whatever. I guess it's just that I hate crying in front of people (trust me, it's not a pretty sight!) but apparently, I can cry at home by myself. I had to stop reading and blow my red nose today. The big lump in my throat was killing me. But back to the book - it was a wonderful story of love, loss, and patriotism with some good insights into the war in Iraq. I also checked out "Dealbreakers" but just skimmed through it. It was some psychoanalyst's idea of relationships and the dealbreakers that can make or break a relationship. I could figure that one out all by my single self.

Amy - I'm glad you are feeling better!!!! Hope that trend continues instead of the whole being-sick-the-entire-pregnancy-thing. Thanks for your kind words. You are probably the friend I've had the longest - well, except for Laura! But there were times when she was all mean and devious (though hardly anyone believes that!) and you were nice and sweet (still are).

Elissa - hope you have a great week. Don't forget to let me know if y'all need help moving things around one week-end. Tell your family Hi. Thanks for the help, the advice, your friendship! I treasure it. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you as a friend. I'd sure be a lonely single and wouldn't have traveled as much! Take care and keep me posted. I figured since you couldn't email, and texting takes a while, that you'd eventually read my post!

Mom - glad you can now comment on our posts. Hope you had a great time with the munchkins while L&J were in Dallas.


Bob said...

Hi Katie!
Hearing about those blackberries is making my mouth water! Susan is in the kitchen making a fresh peach pie...nothing like summertime fruit pies (and maybe some ice cream too.)
Thanks for posting to my blog. I really do plan to update it soon.
We have already set the date for next year's Singing Workshop - August 1 and 2. So you can mark your calendar.

mamallama said...

I love the Lori Wick book and anything by Karen Kingsbury! Though, I'm with you on the crying thing. I don't even like to read her books in front of Chris because they make me cry so hard. (not pretty) Glad you are starting to feel better. Enjoy your cobbler. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Hope you have a great day.

Amy said...

Blackberry cobbler! One of my favorites. But it's true -I've got to have vanilla ice cream to eat with it. Have you tried making blackberry jelly? I made muscadine jelly last year and it was so much fun and yummy. I was hoping to get enough blackberries to make blackberry jelly this year. But so far, no blackberries. Have a good week. I'm glad you are feeling better.