Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mixed Reviews

I rented a couple of movies Saturday night. After an exhausting and warm trip to Memphis and a nap, I thought I'd relax a bit. I rented "The Wedding Date" (I'd already seen it) and "Sideways" (movie I had not seen). I guess I like to go with something I know I'll like, just in case the new one is a bust.

I watched the familiar first. I enjoyed it again. I've spent other 4 nights of the rental watching "Sideways." I finally decided that I had to finish it tonight since it was due. I fast forwarded through a lot though!

"Sideways" is the story of Miles and Jack - college buddies that don't have much in common. The week before Jack's wedding, they take a trip into wine country. If you haven't seen it, it has a lot of bad language, immorality, and wine drinking. The music was enjoyable though. And the wine tasting parts were interesting. I felt a little sorry for Miles - bless his heart. He was depressing.

I think in some ways, I feel like Miles. In one scene, he says something like, "My life is halfway over and what do I have to show for it?" But then, I think, I hope I'm not that depressing and down all the time!

I checked out an interesting book at the library the other night. Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. If you don't know who that is, he's the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts. It was a very interesting book about his life, his faith, and coaching. It was an inspiring look at what is right or encouraging about pro sports instead of the bad news you hear about all of the time. I'm not even a football fan, and I enjoyed it.

I've really enjoyed the ladies in my Strong Women classes. They have been so encouraging, so interesting, and so fun. Not to mention good cooks! We had another potluck Wednesday and they gave me a beautiful "thank you" card and a gift card to Dillard's! Wow!!! They are so sweet and definitely one of the best things this year.

I hope you all have a great week-end!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Did You Know........

that this week is National Unmarried and Single Americans Week?!?!? Wow - a whole week to celebrate being single? I guess I already sort of did that with a previous post! But if you need more information, check this out:;_ylc=X3oDMTFmNXY5cGg3BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwX3RvZGF5BHNsawNwYXJ0eS1vZi1vbmUEenoDYWJj

I thought it was interesting. Especially since I've been so down lately. What is wrong with me? I'm tired, I've got headache #246, I don't want to go to work and I certainly don't want to work when I get there, I'm sick of the melancholy way I feel when I look at the couples (even at the fair - now that's depressing), I'm tired of wondering what's wrong with me/why am I still single/am I really scared of men and commitment.

The fair went pretty smoothly. That was a real blessing. No big contraversies, no big fights, not too much whining, no one yelling at me or complaining about me (that I know of anyway). The weather was great, the people around me were smiling all week for the most part. And now, it's OVER. Just a few more things to do to wrap up, and one more fair to work (just one day at the Mid-South Fair).

Friday, September 7, 2007

Highs & Lows

"Reaching new heights after falling to record lows" was the title of a presentation I gave at a national meeting last October. But you know, that's life. There are highs, lows, and lots of in-betweens. Sometimes, we enjoy the highs, dread the lows, feel like we have more of the lows than the highs, or maybe you feel like you spend your life "in-between."

I was excited to have a new friend, Penny, over last night for a girls movie night. We had a good time chatting, then we watched "Catch & Release." It was okay - not the best and not the worst. But for some reason, I went to bed feeling slightly disappointed/down. Then I got up early to go walking with Cindy. We walked and talked for a while before she said something like, "so what's going on with Katie?" She asked me some questions about my life - I think she thinks I'm not very social. Which, in all honesty, would be rather correct. She asked me how do I expect to meet anyone (of the single male species) teaching the cradle roll class and teaching the strong women classes. Hmm. Well, she has a point. But, there's really not that many single people my age - not that I've found anyway. But she got me thinking about excuses. So many people have excuses. I've heard a lot of excuses the last few months from various people about various things. But it still boils down to excuses, or for some, little white lies to avoid telling the real truth. So, I guess my excuses have been things like: there aren't many singles, I don't know of any singles group for over 30, etc. So it felt like, not that it was necessarily so, my day began with someone else telling me I'm not enough, I'm not good enough, what's wrong with me because I'm not married?

But today, work was busy and I really felt like I had accomplished a lot. I've gotten prepared for next week - not only my fair work, but the other work stuff too - and I've had some good responses. So the day has gotten better. And since the Tuckers are coming sometime this evening, I'm sure it will end brightly.

So that is life - highs, lows, and everything in between. I guess we should always try to enjoy the highs and treasure those peak moments. And when we have lows, we should try to withstand the onslaught, look for brighter glimpses, and strive to overcome. And the in-betweens? Prepare for the highs and lows, enjoy just being, and always look up.

I'll be out at the county fairgrounds next week. If you go out there, look for me in the Educational Building, or maybe the livestock barn. A quick run-down of the week in case you are interested:
Monday - Fair Queen Contest, Poultry Chain judging/auction
Tuesday - check in exhibits in the Educational/Horticulture buildings from 8am-2pm. Free day to the fair, armband night for the rides. Talent Show.
Wednesday - judging day in the Educational building. Livestock shows. Country night (up and comers).
Thursday - Senior Day. Livestock shows. Gospel Night. Bull riding.
Friday - Kids Day. The Whites. Rodeo.
Saturday - team roping, armband day for the rides, rodeo, demolition derby.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Top Eleven Reasons to Be Me

In an effort to be upbeat & content with who I am, I thought I'd post my Top Eleven (I came up with 11 and couldn't find one to throw out) reasons for being me. I also wanted to update my blog, unlike SOME people, and since I couldn't come up with anything more exciting........Read & weep (or laugh). Disclaimer: This is intended for entertainment purposes only.

11. No noses or butts to wipe, except mine.
10. No one else to mess up the house, leave dirty laundry on the floor, or stack dishes in the sink - just me!
9. Singing or talking to yourself are not met with suspicious stares.
8. Naps on the couch at lunch are great revitalizers for getting through the afternoon.
7. I can eat that leftover broccoli for dinner and cereal for lunch.
6. I can work out to any DVD (aerobics, bellydancing, dancing, pilates, yoga, etc.), have fun, and not get laughed at because I can't dance!
5. I don't know the words to any Dr. Suess books.
4. My "style" has developed through the years of living by myself (10 years). I like slightly retro modern in the living areas, and more subdued & girlie in my private spaces. I can turn the lights on as bright as I want, or just sit in the dark.
3. I love to travel - and I could just take off for Hawaii (if I could find the time and use my frequent flier points). Travel for me is relaxing and fun (and a good way to spend time with my best friend).
2. My alarm wakes me up gently - not someone screaming, someone poking me, or someone that wants to eat - and I can always just turn it off when I want to sleep in.
.................and the Number One reason for being me:
1. Silence. Quiet. ahhhhhhhh.

And for those of you who read the last post until the very end and had a guess on the songs - there were 4 songs/lines from songs.
  1. The Thunder Rolls (Garth Brooks)
  2. Listening to the rain fall on the roof.....(from Kenny Rogers' song Morning Desire)
  3. Chill of an Early Fall (George Strait)
  4. What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)